Friday, July 6, 2012

Moving, Settling, Decorating...

As I mentioned in an earlier post, one of my schools for next year is changing.  Which, of course, means moving!  I spent the afternoon of the 4th with my parents, loading up my dad's pick up with my things from my classroom at school R, and taking them to my new school (which I'll identify as H).  While I'm happy about the move and the opportunities it will provide, I must admit it was a little sad turning off the lights and closing the door at R for the last time.  The room just looked so empty and bare.  I know it will soon be home to a new teacher and will look like a fun place to make music again, but still.  I actually met up with the new music teacher for R, and she's going to be great.  It just felt so strange to be showing her around the school and showing her where all of the sound equipment is, how the stage and riser set-up works for programs, etc--almost like an out-of-body experience. 

Then there's H.  Oh, my.  It's a small room with very little storage and even fewer instruments.  My principal told me to put together a wish list, so wish list I did!  There are currently only 3 barred instruments (each about 30-35 years old), 4 hand drums, and a variety of maracas, jingle bells, a few guiros, and a set of temple blocks.  I also have a box of ukeleles, which I've never taught, but may have to start!  It will definitely be an adventure, that's for sure!  I've decided to use owls as my theme for my new classroom and found these super cute owls from Trend Enterprises.  They've got bulletin board trim, welcome posters, stickers, and just about anything else you can imagine.

I've also been on the look-out for super cute owls around town, and hit the jackpot at one of our local boutiques.  I can't wait to get the room all decked out with these colorful, quirky owls!  Decorating my classrooms is one of my favorite things--it's in my blood.  My mom taught elementary school for over 35 years and loves coming up with decorative themes as much as I do.  She even found this fantastic black-and-white set from Creative Teaching Press at our local school supply store and almost bought it.  Then she remembered she's been retired for 3 years and doesn't need it.  Ha!

Now I've been bitten by the bug and am thinking about re-doing my entire classroom at P, as well.  It's currently done in a butterfly theme, which I love, but I think it's time for a change.  I found these from Trend Enterprises and am feeling totally inspired. I'm seriously considering a complete make-over!  What do you think?

I can't wait to show you both classrooms once they're all finished and put together!

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