Monday, May 6, 2013

What's that you say? A blog?

Holy smokes!  How to sum up the last few months....umm...CRAZY would be a good start.

*Our school district is in the process of building two new elementary schools and one new high school.  We are also reconfiguring our schools (elementary will now be K-5; middle school 6-8; and high school 9-12) and the boundary lines for schools were redrawn for the first time in many, many years.  Consequently, each and every school is going to look and feel different next fall, with many students needing to leave and go to a new school.  Staff will also look very different as well, not only because of the new schools and reconfiguration, but also because of the large number of retirements throughout our district.  As of today, I'm still not sure if I'll be staying in my two schools, adding a third, or moving to new buildings entirely.

*Snow, snow, and more snow.  We actually had a snow day on April 15!  Our district has not called off school due to weather since 2008, so this was serious.  23.5 inches of snow later, and now we're looking at a make-up day because all of our "built in" days had passed us by since it was so late in the year.  Has this not just been the longest winter ever?  I never thought I was one to fall victim to Seasonal Affective Disorder, but this year--most definitely.  I'm totally welcoming the sunshine and Vitamin D!

*We're moving!  We sold our current house and bought a new one at the end of March.  Talk about fast--we listed the house on a Wednesday evening and by Thursday at noon we had competing offers.  We close on both properties and move at the end of May.  Right now our home is a chaotic maze of piles, boxes, garbage bags, packing tape, and Sharpies.  We can't move anything into the new house until after 4pm on the same day we have to be out of our current house.  Heaven help me get through this without losing my mind!

*I'm going to be an auntie!  My youngest sister and her husband are expecting their first baby later in the summer.  The sweet little boy who's on his way will make my hubby and me a first-time uncle & aunt.  Can't wait!

*Lesson plans/unit designs.  So many ideas and things I want to do this summer!  Hopefully between the move, settling in, and snuggling that new little nephew of mine, I can get some new packets and lessons put together.

Take care everyone and let's all just hold on for the ride that is the end of the school year!

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